• Excellent value!
  • 4 sizes available, 100% compatible with the Walterscheid standard clutch range
  • Easy quick-disconnect ASGE system at both ends
  • Lemon tubes


AGM4 SD25 1210 358340 351000

Product number: 8372864
AGM4 SD25 860 358340 351000

Product number: 8372860
AGM3 D20 1210 AZ8-6/AZ8-6

Product number: 8697845
AGM3 D20 560 AZ8-6/AZ8-6

Product number: 8697806
AGM3 AGD20 1210 K90L/2 90 0V/1 KNP1

Product number: 8374000
AGM4 SD25 1010 358340 351000

Product number: 8372842
AGM4 SD25 710 358340 351000

Product number: 8372856
AGM4 AGD30 1210 K90L/2 140 1B/2A KNP1

Product number: 8374001
AGM1 SD05 710 108340 101000

Product number: 8372853
AGM4 AGD30 1010 KB61/20 213

Product number: 8374006
AGM4 SD25 560 358340 351000

Product number: 8372852
AGM1 SD05 1010 108340 101000

Product number: 8372839
AGM2 SD15 1210 208340 201000

Product number: 8372862
AGM1 AGD10 1210 1 3/8-6 - AGKK Ø 25H8 P8

Product number: 8374007
AGM2 SD15 710 208340 201000

Product number: 8372854
AGM1 SD05 560 108340 101000

Product number: 8372849
AGM3 AGD20 1210 AGKK 35H8 CL10

Product number: 8374004
AGM3 SD15 1210 218340 211000

Product number: 8372863
AGM3 SD15 710 218340 211000

Product number: 8372855
AGM3 D20 1010 AZ8-6/AZ8-6

Product number: 8697808
AGM3 SD15 860 218340 211000

Product number: 8372859
AGM3 SD15 1010 218340 211000

Product number: 8372841
AGM2 SD15 560 208340 201000

Product number: 8372850
AGM2 SD15 860 208340 201000

Product number: 8372858
AG-AGKK AGM2 Ø25H8 P8 M12X60 L98

Product number: 8697877
AGM3 D20 1210 AZ8-6/AGKK35P10

Product number: 8697846
AGM1 SD05 1210 108340 101000

Product number: 8372861
AGM3 SD15 560 218340 211000

Product number: 8372851
AGM1 SD05 860 108340 101000

Product number: 8372857
AGM3 AGD20 1010 KB61/20 160

Product number: 8374005
AGM3 AGD20 1210 AGKK 30H8 CL10

Product number: 8374003
AGM2 SD15 1010 208340 201000

Product number: 8372840